Tag The Victorian Society

Instagram updates

At the moment we are increasingly using Instagram to post some of the most recent design work. So please do follow Made In Earnest to keep up to date with us. Thanks.

The Victorian: celebrating 60 years

The Victorian Society is celebrating its 60th year and to commemorate that fact The Victorian magazine has a special cover this issue showing the sadly lost Euston Arch. The painting, entitled ‘The Doric Arch’, is by Barbara Jones and comes from the Victoria & Albert Museum.

The Victorian: Endangered buildings

The latest issue of The Victorian (issue 50) is out now and features the Victorian Society’s Top Ten Endangered Buildings 2015. Below are two of the pages from the feature. You can find out more about each of the buildings on the list here.

The Victorian: Tower Bridge

The latest issue of The Victorian (Issue 48) has gone to print. This is the opening spread of the article about the depiction of Tower Bridge in art to coincide with the exhibition at the Guildhall Art Gallery entitled ‘Tower Bridge: A Celebration of 120 Years, 1894–2014’.

The Victorian redesign

The Victorian magazine has a new Editor and following that change we were asked to redesign the magazine. The first issue with this new design has now been printed and published and here are a few samples spreads from it.

The Victorian

I’ve posted about my work for The Victorian magazine before but because it is an ongoing job which I have been doing for years I sometimes take it for granted and forget how much I enjoy working on it. The clients are nice and very supportive of my design work and we all invariably think […]

On the right track

The latest issue of The Victorian magazine – issue 39 – is at the printers and will be out soon. This issue is in fact the twentieth issue Made In Earnest has designed and, even if I say so myself, it is looking good.

Saving a century

To help celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of The Victorian Society we designed this 48pp brochure to go alongside the Saving A Century exhibition which was held at RIBA headquarters in London. The exhibition panels (which we also designed) are now roaming the country and are at present to be seen at Portsmouth Central Library, Guildhall […]